
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Episode 012: The Angels' Gloria - Luke 2:8-20
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
The first people outside the family of Jesus to learn of the birth were unexpected: shepherds in the field at night. The angel emphasized that the Savior, Christ the Lord, is given to you. The shepherds received the message and told everyone. Do you see the glory in the incarnation of the Son, that God sent His Son to take on human nature for you! How will you respond to the mission of salvation? Learn more in the amazing account of the shepherds angelic visitation from the gospel of Luke.
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Monday Apr 12, 2021
Episode 011: The Sovereign Setup - Luke 2:1-7
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
In the fullness of time God brought forth His Son. Luke provides us with the historical context, not only locally, but in the greater setting of the Roman Empire under which Jesus was born. Through this short account of the situation of the birth of Christ, Luke provides certainty regarding the identity of this Child as the long awaited Messiah, from the house of David, that would bring salvation to His people. Catch a glimpse into the sovereignty of God in orchestrating the global, local, and even familial setting for the birth of Jesus.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Episode 010: Birth of John and Zechariah's Benedictus - Luke 1:57-80
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Luke wrote his gospel in order to give us certainty regarding the things that have been taught. In this portion of his gospel, Luke is demonstrating the mercy of God in His dealing with Israel, and in the birth of both John and Jesus. Zechariah gives us the third of five nativity songs of praise, reflecting back on the work of God in the life of Israel, and in the present action of God redeeming His people. These songs give us a wonderful reminder of the redemptive work of God throughout the history of Israel, and a glimpse into the continuation of that plan through the birth of John.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Episode 009: Intro to Bibliology
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
Sunday Mar 07, 2021
The Bible is the God-breathed, inerrant, infallible, eternal, authoritative and sufficient Word of God. What does all this mean? How can we apply this foundation of our approach to the Bible to test the content of other religious works? Join us in the first of a series of studies looking at the Bible as the Word of God and future episodes where we will consider extra-Biblical writings and their contributions to our faith, as well as the dangers in valuing them equal to the Scriptures.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Episode 008: Meeting of the Moms - Luke 1:39-56
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Five nativity songs of praise are presented by Luke at the onset of the gospel. In this passage, we hear the Benidicta of Elizabeth and the Magnificat of Mary. Each song gives praise to God for His work among the people, and Mary's Magnificat demonstrates God's mighty power to reign over His enemies while extending mercy and grace to those that fear Him and function under His covenant. These songs give us a wonderful reminder of the redemptive work of God throughout the history of Israel, and a glimpse into the continuation of that plan through the birth of this special Child.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
The lasting effects of sexual abuse on a person's life can be disastrous and lead to unfulfilled relationships, depression and various other mental and relational struggles. How does a person find healing and hope after suffering sexual abuse? In this episode, I interview Harry Estes, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and learn his journey from victim to survivor - to thriving in a healthy marriage with three boys of his own. Harry has written two books recounting his story in a fictional retelling that offers insights and hope.
There is no shortcut to healing from abuse, but there is support and help. In this episode, Harry offers his personal website as a tool for those struggling (visit https://harrylestes.com) as well as recommending http://malesurvivor.com for additional helps. You can check out Harry's books on Amazon at the following links: One More Broken (One More Broken: Based on a Memoir: Estes, Harry L.: 9781799044062: Amazon.com: Books)and One Less Bruised (One Less Bruised: Estes, Harry L.: 9798627940045: Amazon.com: Books)
If you need help in dealing with the effects of sexual abuse in your life, please contact Harry through his website, or send us a message and we will help connect you with a local church, support group or others that can provide you the assistance needed.

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Episode 006: The Announcement of THE Child - Luke 1:26-38
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
A virgin is going to have a baby? But how!?! And why? The account of the virgin birth has become a familiar story, one that can lose its miraculous majesty and wonder. Look at the announcement of the birth of Jesus with a fresh perspective, and delve into the reason for such a conception and the mission of the great Child that will come.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Part 2 of 2. Hear the incredible story of the young life of Costi Keenan. Entering the orphanage system of communist Romania from birth, Costi was introduced to the love of Jesus by an incredible family who simply shared their love. Now, Costi and his family have moved back to the same orphanage system he was raised in to provide hope, encouragement and love to those in the Romanian system. A wonderful account of how God uniquely equips each of us to serve those around us. Visit mathetai.org for more about the ministry of Mathetai. For more on Costi, his family and ministry, visit https://keenanrefugeministries.com/

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Part 1 of 2. Hear the incredible story of the young life of Costi Keenan. Entering the orphanage system of communist Romania from birth, Costi was introduced to the love of Jesus by an incredible family who simply shared their love. Now, Costi and his family have moved back to the same orphanage system he was raised in to provide hope, encouragement and love to those in the Romanian system. A wonderful account of how God uniquely equips each of us to serve those around us.
Visit mathetai.org for more about the ministry of Mathetai. For more on Costi, his family and ministry, visit https://keenanrefugeministries.com/

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Episode 003: A Special Family and a Special Child - Luke 1:5-24
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
In order for Luke to provide the reader of his gospel with "certainty" he must go back to the beginning. Even before Jesus, the Bible tells of a forerunner who would prepare the people for the Messiah. The Old Testament leaves us with the promise of this one, and the New Testament introduces us to the one who comes in the power and spirit of Elijah. Born to a special couple, this special child will bring joy and rejoicing. Meet John the Baptist.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.