
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
The Call of Isaiah | Isaiah Chapter 6 | Ps. Mike Klunder | Mathetai
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
This week, Pastor Mike Klunder jumps into Isaiah Chapter 6 and the Call of Isaiah. Make sure to listen here and share it with some friends!

Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Walk Worthy of Your Calling | Ephesians 4| Guest Speaker Ty Gardner | Mathetai
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
This week at Mathetai's home study, Ty Gardner shared with us about the importance of walking worthy of our calling.

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Expanded
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
In this sixth and final study in the series, we consider the call to take the message of the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. Not all are called to fulfill this mission, but we can all participate in encouraging and supporting those that forsake the security and familiarity of home to bring the good news to peoples and nations far away. Learn practical ways that anyone can participate in these endeavors, and get connected with those in need of encouragement and support.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Monday Aug 02, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Endurance
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
In our fifth study in the series, Pastor Dennis Morales gives practical encouragement through the life and example of Paul the apostle. As discouragement, abandonment and suffering characterized the ministry of Paul, he chose not to focus on those that failed, but rather emphasized those that remained faithful. He surrounded himself with people that stood with him and focused his attention on the relationships he did maintain rather than those that had moved on.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Empowering
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
In our fourth study in the series, Mark Pogue shares regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how these apply to the mission. Considering questions such as what gifts do I possess, how does my gift practically work, and how do I discover my gifts, Mark guides us through Scriptures to see the empowering of the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of the mission.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Equipping
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
Our third study in the series considers "The Mission Equipping" as we consider the tools and process of being equipped to fulfill the mission. No one would set out on an important task or assignment without the proper preparation and training. As we seek to represent the kingdom of God, we must ensure that we are properly trained and equipped to represent the heart of our King and present His kingdom effectively and accurately.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Exhibited
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
Our second study in the series considers "The Mission Exhibited" as we look at the example of a man focused on his mission. Jesus fulfilled his mission, which was determined before the foundation of the world and expressed throughout the Biblical text. He demonstrated focus, resolve and commitment to completing the task of witnessing the truth, seeking and saving the lost, and sacrificing himself for our benefit.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Mathetai Summer Study 2021 - The Mission Expressed
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Our 2021 summer series considers our "Faith on Mission". We are looking at living out our faith in intentional, real ways through daily life both in the communities in which we currently live as well as throughout the world. Not just a look at being a missionary, but being missional in our regular duties.
This first study considers "The Mission Expressed" as we look at the call given to every believer. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gives what is known as the Great Commission, and we consider what that entails and how to know that we have engaged in this mission.
Visit mathetai.org for more information on the ministry as well as merch to represent the ministry and our faith.

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Episode 014: Transition from Old to New - Luke 2:36-52
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Luke wants to make sure we leave the birth narratives with certainty regarding the identity of the child Jesus. The announcements from the prophetess Anna, as well as the first words of Jesus clearly locate His identity as the Son of God.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Episode 013: Presenting Jesus; Simeon's Nunc Dimittis - Luke 2:21-35
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
To fulfill the law for us so that we might be right with God. Even from His birth Jesus perfectly kept the law. Circumcised, offerings, firstborn. He came as a light to the Gentiles and for the glory of Israel. We can be confident in His salvific mission, and no one captures that better than the final nativity psalm of Simeon.
Visit mathetai.org for more resources, ministry updates and great Mathetai merch.